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Friday, December 4, 2015

Ignoring Reality

Given all that has come out about the perpetrators of the San Bernardino shootings, one would think that the media and the Obamacrats would have given up on the line that it was just "workplace violence" and not "terrorism" refrain.  That would be wrong, however.  This morning, I even heard one "expert" speculate that this was workplace violence carried out by terrorists.  These people so desperately want the attack NOT to be terrorism, that they are willing to ignore reality.

For anyone who still has any doubts about what happened in Southern California, consider this.  Everyone, even the Obamacrats in government and the media, now agrees (or concedes) that Syed Farook and his wife were terrorists. They had a bomb making factory in their home.  They had an arsenal of weapons with huge quantities of ammunition.  They had bombs built in the manner used by al Qaeda.  They had military gear which they wore to the massacre they perpetrated.  There was weeks or months of work required to prepare all this.  There is no way that Farook and wife were just responding to some dispute at a work function. 

The new line of defense from the Obamacrats to keep reality at bay, however, is that while these were terrorists, they only struck when they did because of some insult made at the work Christmas party.  That means it was only workplace violence!

This new storyline is ridiculous.  We no know that on the day prior to the attack, Farook and his wife erased their online presence.  They deleted email accounts.  They smashed their cell phones.  They did everything they could to wipe their computer records.  Now, unless you are Hillary Clinton, wiping ones computer records and deleting email accounts is not something that one does for no reason.  Farook and his wife were obviously getting prepared for the attack on the next day and its aftermath.  They tried to erase their records so that those other terrorists and supporters with whom they had made contact would be harder to find.  AND THIS WAS THE DAY BEFORE THE ATTACK!!!!!  There is no way that the attacks were spontaneous.  This was a well planned terror attack.

Why is it so hard for president Obama, Hillary Clinton and their supporters in the media and elsewhere to admit this.  It's the reality that we face.


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