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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Where Are The Others?

It seems that in the face of overwhelming evidence that San Bernardino was a terrorist attack, most of the country is now saying just that, even much of the media.  Indeed, tonight I saw people on MSNBC calling the carnage in California an attack by radical Islamic terrorists.  (By the way, someone should tell president Obama that if he's lost MSNBC on this point, he's in big trouble.)

So now that we know this was terrorism, we have to address a second and more important issue:  where are the other members of the sleeper cell in Southern California?  I know, I know, some of you are now jumping up and down in anger that I say that there are additional people near San Bernardino who are part of a terrorist cell, but let's look at the evidence for a moment.  First, we know that the neighbor of Syed Farook says that there was a group of Middle Eastern looking men who worked late in Farook's garage on multiple occasions.  That garage was where Farook built the many pipe bombs that were discovered when police entered his home.  Second, Farook and his wife had so many bombs, guns and bullets that there was far too great a quantity for it to be used by just the two of them.  Third, we know that the weapons were purchased legally but not by Farook or his wife; the purchaser was someone else. 

So let's get back to the basic question.  Where are the other members of the cell?  Are they about to launch a second major attack?  Do they have their own arms and bombs, or was the Farook home the storehouse for all members of the cell?  Have they gone into hiding or has the events of the last two days pushed the timetable for the next attack ahead?  I hope that the FBI and the other investigators have more information on these questions than we do.  Otherwise, we run the risk of seeing some major attacks in California. 


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