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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Putting Paris in Perspective

I wrote earlier today about global warming and the measures to which the world agreed in Paris.  I will not repeat all of the points here, but I do think it worthwhile for you to consider the following question:

Put the following eras in order from warmest to coolest:

a.  present day.
b.  the time of the Revolutionary War -- 1775-1783 A.D.
c.  the time of the life of Jesus -- 0 - 30 A.D.
d.  the beginnings of Greek/Aegean civilization -- 1500 B.C - 1300 B.C.

I should add the obvious.  The only time of these four eras when there was substantial amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases being put into the atmosphere due to humanity is the present day.

The correct answer is d, c, a, and b.  That's correct, when the ancient Greek civilization first appeared, Earth was almost three degrees Celsius warmer than it is today.  During Roman times when Jesus lived in and around Jerusalem the temperature was about 2.5 degrees Celsius warmer than it is today.  When the Declaration of Independence was signed, the Earth's temperature was a few degrees colder than it is now.  Indeed, the Revolutionary War was fought during the three centuries that have been called a mini-ice age (from 1500 to 1800).

This data show two very important things about the Paris Climate accord.  First, the goal of the agreement is to prevent the "calamity" of the Earth's temperature rising by two degrees.  In other words, we are supposed to believe that were the globe to heat to the point where it approached but did not reach the warmth during the Roman Empire or the rise of Greek civilization, it would be a disaster.  That's crazy talk.  Humanity has lived through times that were both warmer and cooler than the present and warmer even than the supposed disaster that global warming will bring.

Second, all the hype about global warming that forms the basis of the Paris hysteria focuses only on the last century during which time Earth was still warming from the mini-Ice Age.

One last point:  Since the end of the last Ice Age about 12000 years ago, the temperature on Earth has been warmer than it is at the present time for more than 90% of the time.  A warming trend today would just be a return to more normal temperatures for this planet.


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