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Saturday, December 5, 2015

The New York Times Writes an Editorial

There's been a great deal of discussion in the liberal mainstream media about how the New York Times carried a front page editorial for the first time in nearly a century to call for gun control.  Supposedly, the Times came to the conclusion that the editorial was needed because of the terror attack in San Bernardino and the failure of the Senate to vote for gun legislation that had been proposed by the Democrats.  The truth is that the reaction to the editorial is extremely humorous.  To quote Hillary Clinton, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"  We know that California, where the attack took place, already has all of the gun control laws that the proposed federal law would have put in place nationwide.  Those California laws did nothing to stop the terrorists from attacking.  Indeed, the guns used in the attack were all purchased legally.  That means that the Times has put an editorial on its front page and hyped the gun issue when even the idiots at the Times know that passage of the law would have made NO DIFFERENCE.  It seems clear that the Times went with the front page editorial to try to distract the public from the complete failure of the anti-terror policies of Obama and the Obamacrats.  For example, Tashfeen Malik, the female member of the terrorist couple, was vetted by federal agents when she immigrated to the USA about a year ago.  She got a full clearance even though she gave a false address for her home in Pakistan.  These are the same agents that Obama and the Obamacrats tell us will be able to keep ISIS terrorists out of the flow of Syrian refugees coming to America.  Obviously, Obama's claim is not just wrong, but it is also delusional.  No wonder the Times is trying to distract everyone from the failed policies of Obama and the Obamacrats.

The truth is that the big story on the front page of the Times is the main headline which reads:  "FBI Is Treating Rampage As Act of Terror".  Get that?  The Times still won't admit that the terror attack by Islamic ISIS adherents is an act of terror.  They will just report that the FBI is treating it as such.  Here too, the Times follows the liberal line and refuses to recognize reality.

The real story is that for the liberal Times, ideology triumphs over the actual facts.


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