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Friday, December 4, 2015

The Democrats Shift Their Narrative

The latest news about the "possible" terrorist attack in San Bernardino is that the woman involved in the massacre, Tashfeen Malik, posted a pledge of allegiance to ISIS leader al-Baghdadi on Facebook under an alias.  This news sent the mainstream media into overdrive to try to find a way to still call this something other than a terrorist attack.  The Democrat/liberal media has responded with a two pronged approach.

First, the stories now say that Farook and his wife Malik may only have been "inspired" by ISIS but not ordered by ISIS to carry out the attack.  See, it's just some sort of homegrown attack, not an organized terrorist attack by ISIS.  In many ways, this distinction from the media is much like the White House claims that "core" al Qaeda was decimated even if all the "affiliates" were sill operating.  For these people, mixing black and white produces green rather than gray.

The media and the Democrats realize just how unlikely it is that the American people will buy that argument.  We know a terror attack when we see one.  And the pledge of allegiance to ISIS is the clincher.  As a result, the fall back for the media is now a new storyline.  We are being told that there are many fewer terrorist attacks in the USA than there used to be.  I just saw a Reuters story that includes a graph of terror attacks in the USA over the last 50 years.  Based upon the way the story defines terrorism, Reuters says that there were many times more terrorist attacks in the 1970s than there are today.  Anyone who used intimidation or violence to try to get a political result is a "terrorist" under this definition.  So you see, according to Reuters, the people who marched in the civil rights movement or the anti-war movements of the 1960s and 1970s were all terrorists.  Isn't it just like the Democrats to call the civil rights movement a bunch of terrorists?

This BS is not going to work.  We all know that terror attacks like 9-11 and the many that have hit us during the Obama years are something very different from what life was like here in the earlier years.  Even so, they are clearly going to try.  Look for the article by Sally Kohn extolling how America is safer today from terrorists than it has ever been.  Wait for Josh Earnest to tell us all how many terror attacks there were during the Nixon years.  When you hear it, just try not to let it make you sick.


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