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Saturday, April 26, 2014

How to Lose $137 Million Without Really Trying

The state of Oregon just gave up on its Obamacare health exchange.  Oregon spent $137 million to develop the website (at least to date).  There was one problem with the site, however, that caused consternation in Oregon:  the site never worked.  It was not that the site worked partially and had "glitches" (to use the Obamacrats' favorite word when talking about website failures.)  No, the Oregon health exchange never worked in any way.  Never!  Not at all!  It was a total failure.

Oregon has now decided to join the federal exchange and to junk its efforts to have its own site.

There remains, of course, on large question which the Oregon state government must answer.  How could they keep spending tens of millions of dollars on the website once it was clear that it was not working?  It was supposed to be ready on October 1, 2013; it was not.  That means that Oregon officials knew more than six months ago that their costly site had flopped.  What took them so long?

My guess is that the only answer we will get from the Oregon Democrats in charge of this mess will be for them to channel Hillary Clinton and shout "What difference does it make?"

It will be up to the voters in Oregon to give these fools the proper answer.


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