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Monday, April 7, 2014

Wondering What He's Done

Connecticut governor Dan Malloy is running for re-election this year.  His Republican opponent has yet to be chosen, but there are some very good candidates among the GOP options.  Nevertheless, Connecticut is one of the bluest states around, so Malloy starts out with a major advantage.  In reviewing the race, I thought that the best way to proceed was first to review Malloy's accomplishments during his first term in office.  The problem with that approach, however, is that I found essentially nothing done by Malloy that either side would likely call an "accomplishment".  Economic growth in the state is still turgid at best.  Except for Fairfield County, the state is losing population.  There have been no new programs for education or even improvements in the old ones.  Taxes are a bit higher, but services are not better.  In short, nothing has changed for the better.

I guess that Malloy could run on the slogan "I did not make anything worse!"  That, at least, is an arguable proposition, albeit one with which I would not agree.  Still, it is hard to imagine any candidate stoking up his base with that slogan.

The truth is that Malloy has earned a vacation.  Indeed, Malloy has earned a lifetime vacation from politics.  Connecticut needs action so that it can start to grow again.  Connecticut needs a change.


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