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Monday, April 14, 2014

Racism is not a Game

Since I use Yahoo as my home page (a vestige from years ago), I frequently see the latest headlines from Yahoo News.  Just now, the top article on the news feed had the headline "Yes, Some Republicans are Racist".  It was a new low, even for Yahoo News.  The article is a link to the Daily Beast.

For those of you who do not follow the news too closely, the story got written because congressman Steve Israels, the head of the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee said over the weekend that part of the Republican base is racist.  It was the typical thing that Democrats say and for which they get no push back from the media.  Just imagine what would happen if the head of the corresponding Republican committee said the same thing about the Democrat base.  All hell would be breaking loose.

Sadly, for too longs, Democrats have operated as the main purveyors of racism in America.  Let's be clear about that.  The people who do the most to keep racism alive in America today are the Democrats.  That's right, the Democrats.  That was true throughout our history and it remains true today.  Think about it.

At the time of the Civil War, it was the Democrats who wanted to preserve slavery.  Even once that war started, it was the Democrats who wanted to end the fighting on a negotiated basis that let the Southern states keep their slaves.

Throughout the era of reconstruction in the South, it was the local Democrats who fought against rights for blacks while Republicans were on the other side.  When the Jim Crow laws were passed across the South, it was the Democrats who passed those laws.

In the early 20th century, the federal government did much to impose segregation in many federal entities.  That was done by Democrats.  For example, it was Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, who put segregation into place in the armed forces.  Before him, it was Grover Cleveland, another Democrat who institutionalized the law that allowed separate schools for blacks and whites.

When World War II came along and millions of blacks fought for this country, it was Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat who let those African Americans fight in segregated units.

After the war, it was Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican who totally desegregated the armed forces.  Eisenhower also got two civil rights acts through Congress over the strident opposition of the Democrats.  Indeed, the fight against those civil rights bills was led by then senator Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat.  Eisenhower also used federal troops to enforce the desegregation rulings of the Supreme Court over the opposition of local southern Democrats.

In 1964 and 1965, the opposition to the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act was almost entirely from the Democrats.  George Wallace who stood in the school door to try to stop desegregation in Alabama was a Democrat.  Bull Connor, the sheriff  who used dogs, hoses and clubs on civil rights demonstrators was a Democrat.  Lester Maddox, the governor of Georgia who closed his restaurant rather than serve blacks was a Democrat.

The same line up remains true today.  The people who do the most to keep racism alive are the ones who claim to find it in every corner of the country.  People like Al Sharpton or Steve Israels or Eric Holder find racism at the core of every dispute.  These Democrats make everything about race even if that is totally false.  The problem, however, is that these folks encourage millions to think that their position in life is due to racism rather than due to their own efforts or skills.  Why bother working to improve one's skills if racism will just keep you down?  Why bother working hard to advance at work if racism will just keep you down?  Why bother trying when the game is rigged?  Phony claims of racism is perhaps the biggest reason today why a disparity between the races remain.

Look, I do not claim that there are no people left in America who are racists.  Of course there are.  Those people, however, have been relegated to the sidelines; they are no longer in control of everyday life.

In simple terms, it may be good politics for Steve Israels to lie about Republicans being racist.  What may be good politics for Israels and his fellow Democrats, however, is not good for America.  The Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media know better.  They ought to be ashamed of what they are doing. 


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