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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Believing One's Own Propaganda

In the movie Patton, after the general throws a fit about some things that his staff has done, an aide tells general Patton that the staff isn't sure if he means what he says.  Patton smiles and tells the aide that it is not important for the staff to know; it is only important for him to know.  This is important advice for leaders who engage in theatrics and propaganda.  They may fool those who watch them, but they better be sure to know the real truth.

It certainly seems that president Obama has failed to keep this advice in mind as he has dealt with the scourge of international terrorism.  Just think about it for a moment:

When he took office, Obama began almost immediately to try to convince the nation that there really was no ongoing war on terror.  Look at what he did: 

First, he abandoned the American position in Iraq after we won a hard-fought, multi-year and costly battle to rid that country of terrorists.  There was no need to keep a military presence in Iraq since there really was no ongoing war on terror.  Instead, Obama left Iraq so that it could be dominated by its neighbor Iran.

Second, Obama announced the pull out from Afghanistan years in advance.  Oh, we were going to still fight the Taliban, but only for a while longer.  With there being no war on terror, there was no need to worry about the Taliban.

Third, when domestic terror attacks occurred, they were downplayed and even dismissed.  Nidal Hassan killed 13 and wounded over 40 at Fort Hood in a self-announced Jihad attack to help his Islamic brothers in Afghanistan.  Obama called it "workplace violence" and told us it was not a terror attack.

Fourth, when the Arab Spring began, Obama rushed to undermine those who had been America's friends for years in the fight against terrorism.  Leaders like Mubarak in Egypt were tossed aside so that the Moslem Brotherhood could come into power.  The ties of the Brotherhood to Hamas and other terror groups did not matter because terrorism was no longer a major concern.

Fifth, Obama made big moves to close Guantanamo, the only place in American territory where large numbers of enemy combatants in the war on terror were kept.  Obama saw no need for a prisoner of war camp since there really was no war.

Sixth, when threats of terror attacks on American embassies grew and grew, Obama ignored them.  Indeed, the level of security in Benghazi was even reduced in a show to the Libyans that there really was no terror threat.  Then when the terrorists struck, Obama used all the levers of power to try to convince America that it really was just a bunch of folks angry about a youtube video that they had never seen.  Most likely, the men who attacked the embassy in Benghazi had never watched any video on youtube, but that was the reason told to the American people because there really is no war on terror.

Seventh, in the spring of this year, Obama told us that the war on terror was over because wars have to end eventually.  Of course, the terrorists had not been defeated; nor had they surrendered.  Obama just said the war was over.

The sad thing is that Obama actually seems to believe in the delusion that the war on terror is over.  That is why he has done nothing for two and a half years to try to steer the conflict in Syria to a resolution in which the terrorists are pushed out.  That is why he has actually supported the Moslem Brotherhood in many ways after they were tossed out by the Egyptian people.  That is why Obama puts no pressure on Hamas or the Palestinian Authority to change their ways so that peace can be reached with Israel.

Most important at the current moment, Obama's belief in his own phony propaganda is the reason that he has not concerned himself for years with the chemical and biological weapons held in Syria or the ongoing development of nuclear weapons in Iran.  Obama just does not see any reason why those weapons would be used against us.

If Obama were not president, his delusions would not be a big deal.  He would just be another patient at the therapist's office.  The problem is, however, that he is the president, and that makes it a big problem indeed.

1 comment:

fastcarken said...

OBAMA- A LEGEND in his own mind.