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Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Non-Reaction

Do you remember all the fuss when the job approval rating for George Bush fell below 40%?  There was a chorus of stories in the mainstream media with all sorts of pundits telling us that Bush's chance to influence Congress or to even govern effectively was gone.  Well, it has happened again.  No, no one was looking at Bush's approval ratings.  This time, it is president Obama whose job approval ratings fell below 40%.  The latest poll taken by Reuters/Ipsos shows only 39% of Americans approve even mildly of the job that Obama has been doing as president.  Among independents, the number approving is much lower.

Right now, that silence you are hearing is the lack of anyone in the mainstream media reporting on this poll or opining on the death of Obama's influence moving forward.  The same folks who could not wait to tell us about the demise of Bush's presidency are pretending that nothing similar has happened to Obama.

The truth, however, is that in today's America, the old media elites cannot control public opinion any longer.  There are just too many news outlets for the old media to limit the flow of news.  As disaster after disaster has washed over us, Obama has started to get his share of the blame for this mess.  No sane person who watched the quasi-self-immolation that Obama did on Syria could give him credit for a job well done (or even a job done at all).  No one considering our stagnant economy and all the ills that go with it could give Obama's lack of leadership good marks on that score.  There are just too many problems that have BO stamped on them.  Obama is the author of much of what is hurting America and harming the American people.  The non-reaction by the mainstream media to these issues may have slowed their appearance in the public consciousness, but it surely has not prevented these issues from coming back to bite Obama in his behind.

It is about time.  Maybe, for once, the American people will be able to clean house and get some folks in Washington who will actually care about the people's business rather than about their own need to cling to power.

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