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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why Bother?

President Obama addressed the UN and spoke mostly about Iran's nuclear program and the Israel-Palestinian struggles.  As usual for an Obama speech, it seemed to be completely divorced from reality.

Here is the best example:  In speaking about Iran's attitude towards nuclear weapons here is what Obama said:

Meanwhile, the Supreme Leader [of Iran] has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons, and President Rouhani has just recently reiterated that the Islamic Republic will never develop a nuclear weapon.

Obama, however, did not say that despite these statements, the Iranian nuclear weapons development efforts have continued apace.  Obama did not mention that Iran has thousands upon thousands of centrifuges refining uranium in order to get the raw material for a bomb.  Obama did not mention that Iran has built subterranean factories whose purpose is nothing more than the development of atomic weapons.  No, Obama talked about how the Supreme Leader and the President of Iran both spoke against the development of nuclear weapons.

It was a joke.  The president of the United States of America stood in the premier forum of the world community and ignored reality in a way that all could see and understand.  Obama spoke in favor of negotiations, but then was not honest enough to indicate that there was any point to holding those negotiations.  Are we to agree on fantasies which will come crashing down when Iran detonates its first nukes?  What will Obama say then?  That he learned of the Iranian nuclear program from what he read in the press?  That his staff decided to keep him in the dark about the reality of the nuclear program?  That it was actually all George Bush's fault?

The world is a harsh and unforgiving place.  America needs a leader who can understand that reality.  Moving forward in a dreamlike trance is a trip down the path to destruction.  Obama had better change course and he better do it quickly.


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