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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Obama Confuses Hypocritic and Hippocratic

President Obama has spent more time dealing with healthcare since taking office than any  other issue.  Sadly, Obama seems to have confused the Hippocratic Oath with one best described as the Hypocritic Oath.  Hippocrates was an ancient Greek whose basic concept of healthcare starts with the idea "first do no harm."  Obama, however, in dealing with healthcare went instead for a hypocritical posture; in other words, he said on thing and did the opposite.  Looking at what Obamacare is doing to the country and the healthcare industry, no one could ever think that Obama had tried to do no harm.  To many clearly foreseeable problems have arisen for that to be possible.  If you consider things like Obama's promise that you could keep your health plan and your doctor if you wanted, when he knew that was not true, then hypocrisy seems like the order of the day.  The same is true for the claim that Obamacare would reduce costs when it is making them soar.  Ditto for the claim that Obamacare would lead to universal coverage when nothing even close will happen.

It's too bad that Obama mistook hypocrisy for Hippocrates.


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