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Thursday, September 12, 2013

OMG! Lois Lerner Lied

Lois Lerner is not Superman's girlfriend even though her initials are LL.  Indeed, as Congress gets more and more information about Lois Lerner, she seems likely to turn out to be the paramour of another famous "LL", namely Lex Luthor.

Seriously, IRS honcho Lois Lerner has now been shown to have lied to the American people and the media when she spread the phony story that the targeting of conservative groups and individuals was the work of "a few rogue agents in the IRS Cincinnati office."  That was the story that Lerner spread when she announced the IRS misconduct last Spring.  Lerner claimed at the time to have just learned of the misconduct.  Of course, as more and more information came out, it became clear that the persecution of conservatives was being run out of Washington mostly by the Obama political appointees in the IRS General Counsel's office.  Now, we have proof out of Lerner's own mouth that she knew that all along.  We have proof in Lerner's own words that she lied to save her own skin.  We have proof in Lerner's clipped prose that this was an operation run by the Obama political appointees from the start and that Lerner well knew that.

A whole batch of email sent by Lerner was just released.  Here is the key part of the text of what is probably the biggest smoking gun:

“Tea Party Matter very dangerous… Counsel and Judy Kindell need to be in on this one… Cincy should probably NOT have these cases,”

So there you have it in three sentences.  Lerner was targeting the "very dangerous" Tea Party; this was not a question of who was entitled to tax exempt status, but rather an attempt to stop the dangerous Tea Party.  "Counsel" had to be involved, since "Counsel" was the Obama point man at the IRS.  The Cincinnati office probably should not have the cases, meaning that there were no rogue agents in Cincinnati.  Nope, that office was just following orders issued by Lerner herself.

Now you also need to know that this email was sent about 15 months before Lerner claimed to have first heard about the targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups by the IRS.  Indeed, Lerner kept the whole operation covered up until she heard that the IRS Inspector General was just about to issue a report disclosing the whole sordid mess.

Lerner is out on paid administrative leave because she refused to testify before Congress.  If that is not bad enough, just remember that if she comes back to the IRS, she is slated to oversee the IRS operations for implementation of Obamacare.

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