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Friday, May 10, 2019

An Inability To Admit The Truth

I never fail to be amazed by the contortions that Democrats and the media go through to try to pretend that the economy is not roaring along at the moment.  A good example is an article written by A. B. Stoddard at RealClearPolitics today.  Stoddard starts by admitting that GDP growth is much better than under Obama, unemployment is at 50 year lows and real wages are up for all segments of society but especially the poor and lower middle income folks.  But then Stoddard claims that most people have not felt any impact from all this good news and actually says, "Americans are witnessing an economic turnaround they want to believe will eventually reach them."

Think about that.  The Economy is growing rapidly and many more people have jobs.  Literally millions of people are off food stamps.  Real wages are higher and continuing to grow after a decade of stagnation before Trump took office.  You cannot have rising wages of this sort unless most people are seeing income hikes.  But it doesn't matter; Stoddard just can't bring herself to admit that most people are doing better than they were under Obama.  At most, this is just something giving people hope.

The Democrats are basically agreeing that people across America are hurting; they're doing worse.  The statistics, however, prove that the opposite is true.

The Dems would be much better served were they to recognize actual reality and then to discuss how they would improve it (if they had a plan).  Some people might agree with the plan.  It isn't going to work, however, if the Dems argue that we aren't experiencing good times right now.

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