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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Even The Lies Aren't As Good As They Used To Be

The head of the CIA under Obama has been having a bad few months and now he's in such bad shape that even his lies aren't even close to passable.

Brennan, of course, ran the CIA when it set up a sting on the Trump campaign in 2015 and 2016.  He allegedly is part of a group that set up George Papadopoulos to provide information that the group fed to him so that they could then justify spying on the Trump campaign.  It was all supposed to lead to the ouster of President Trump once the Mueller Report was completed.  Brennan spent the weeks prior to the release of Mueller's conclusions telling the CNN audience over and over again that Mueller had clear evidence of collusion and Trump's goose was cooked.  Trump was a Russian agent, he told us.  Of course, when Mueller released his report, he announced that an exhaustive investigation had found no evidence of any collusion between Trump and his campaign and the Russians.  Brennan's lies were revealed for what they actually were:  lies.

Now we have Attorney General Barr running an investigation into the propriety of the original spying on the Trump campaign.  The media and the Democrats get all excited as to whether or not it was "spying" or "surveillance" as if that makes a difference.  We had American intelligence agencies listening in on conversations of candidate Trump and his campaign and reporting the content to the White House.  There is not yet any proof in public that Obama was given updates on what the CIA and FBI found while listening to Trump and his campaign, but anyone who thinks that the CIA and FBI actually wiretapped Trump and his people without the knowledge of president Obama is insane.  This investigation by Barr is making Brennan into a nervous wreck.

Now we have a terrible development for Brennan.  President Trump has given the Attorney General the ability to declassify documents regarding the genesis of the investigation by the intelligence agencies into the Trump campaign.  That includes the bogus applications for FISA court warrants and the communications between people like Brennan and the others who were involved.  Brennan is losing the protection of being able to hide behind "national security" to keep his machinations secret.

So what does Brennan do?  He goes on MSNBC and says this:

“This [declassification of documents] is a very very serious and outrageous move on the part of Mr. Trump once again trampling upon the statutory authorities of the director of national intelligence and the heads of the independent intelligence agencies.  I know that my former colleagues in the intelligence agencies are looking upon this with great concern and worry.”

Brennan says that the authority to declassify belongs to the DNI and the heads of the intelligence agencies?  That's not just a lie; it's a poor, indeed a silly lie.  The final authority, by statute, when it comes to what gets declassified is the President of the United States.  The President can classify or declassify whatever he sees fit.  President Trump is not trampling statutory authorities; he's using the statutory authority given to him by federal law.

Brennan must know that his attack on Trump's declassification is idiotic.  So too the media must know that Brennan is losing it.  Nevertheless, it doesn't stop them from pushing this line.  But what will Brennan do in a month when we learn that the documents show that he actually knowingly approved of using Mifsud and Halper and the others to set up a trap to snare Papadopoulos in order to justify improper spying on the Trump campaign?  Will he get sympathy because the declassification of the incriminating documents was authorized by President Trump?  I don't think so.

Brennan is swimming in a deep water at the moment and it sure looks like he is going under.  Lying won't save him, no matter how idiotic the lies are.

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