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Thursday, May 9, 2019

Why Is North Korea Launching Missiles?

The North Koreans conducted a test launch of short to medium range missiles yesterday.  Why is this happening now?

Most analysis by the "experts" say that Kim Jung Un is frustrated by the lack of progress in the talks with Washington about denuclearization.  I don't buy that.  Most likely, Kim Jung Un is launching these missiles at the request of the Chinese.  China is today entering into final negotiations with the Trump administration regarding trade.  Having an uppity North Korea on the sidelines launching missiles is a great way of demonstrating to the President and his team that they need Chinese help with the NK's if there is ever to be a deal.  China wants to convince Trump to be easier on them in these trade negotiations or China might not help with the NKs.

Remember, Kim Jung Un is not launching ballistic missiles.  The tests are of missiles without the range to attack the USA.  These missiles are also not capable of carrying nuclear weapons.  These launches are more for show than to advance the NK nuclear program.

Sadly, the mainstream media is once again overdoing the coverage of these launches.  I just read an article in USA Today that calls them a "missile attack".  A few missiles get launched into the sea and they call it an attack?  The media seems so desirous of finding a failure by the President and his team that they are making the situation much worse than it actually is.

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