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Monday, May 20, 2019

No Surprise Here

Federal District Court judge Mehta ruled this afternoon that President Trump's accountants must turn over financial records to Congress.  Yawn.  This was so predictable.  It was also so unimportant.

First of all, remember that judge Mehta was appointed by Barack Obama.  That means that no matter what the proper outcome, it is at least 90% likely that the result will be the most anti-Trump one possible.  It's sad to say that the federal judiciary is so politicized, but in reality it is.  By the same token, if this were a judge appointed by Trump, the odds of the President winning would be the opposite.

Second, no matter which side won, we were always going to go to an appeal.  The Court of Appeals will review the decision and then rule again.  If it is just a three judge panel, the loser will likely ask for another review by the entire court.  After that, an attempt will be made to get this to the Supreme Court.  None of the decisions will matter until we get the final word from the Supreme Court.


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