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Friday, May 31, 2019

Bits and Pieces

North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un had four of his diplomats executed after the last summit with President Trump failed to conclude with an agreement.  He said that they were all American spies.  Looks like Kim just can't deal with not getting his way.

Yesterday, I wrote to my state representative to urge him to opposed the tolls on Connecticut highways that governor Lamont is pushing.  I told him that money for highways could be found by cutting unnecessary spending.  He ignored my suggestion but said he would do what was physically responsible.  That threw me until I realized that he meant fiscally responsible.  Of course, he also made clear he was voting for tolls.

In Israel, they are having a new election after a government couldn't be formed following the last election.  My guess is that the parties that caused this second election are going to be penalized by voters, but who knows.  By September when the election is to take place, voters may have forgotten.

President Trump threatened to put tariffs on Mexican products if Mexico doesn't stop the flow of illegals across its country to our southern border.  My bet is that tariff never goes into effect.

If you watch the mainstream media, you would think that nothing is happening across America aside from constant consideration of whether or not to impeach President Trump.  That's not even close to being correct.  Still, so long as the news is all impeachment all the time, the messages of all those 2020 Democrat candidates are not going to be heard.  In 2016, the media covered Donald Trump something like ten times more than his primary opponents.  As a result, they helped put Trump into office.  Now by still focusing just on Trump, they are likely to come up with the same result.

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