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Friday, May 17, 2019

So Which Is It?

In December 2017, major tax cut legislation was passed.  Eighty-three percent of all taxpayers got a meaningful cut, nine percent had no change in taxes and eight percent saw an increase.  The biggest beneficiaries of the tax cuts were the lower and middle income groups.  If you listen to Democrats, however, no one benefitted except big business.  Just the other day, old Joe Biden was out asking the few people at his event whether they had seen anything come to them due to the tax cuts?  Nope, he said, it all went to the rich and powerful.  The Democrats ran such a large campaign against the tax cuts that, with the media's help, they convinced something like 55% of the population (according to polls) that the tax cuts actually INCREASED taxes for most people.  This was a total lie, but that didn't matter to the media and the Dems.

Now, we're seeing a new attack on the tax front.  There are numerous articles this week how the tariffs that Trump put on China is going to undo all the benefits of the tax cuts.  You know, all those benefits that don't exist are now being undone.  That's another lie.  The tax cuts dwarf the tariffs in size and part of the tariffs will be paid by China with another batch being paid by those superwealthy companies that the Dems say were the only beneficiaries of the tax cuts. 

More than just another lie, however, this new attack is proof of hypocrisy.  After spending two years complaining that there are no benefits from the tax cuts, the Dems/media are not complaining that tariffs will undo those benefits.  So which is it?  Are the Dems now admitting that their two year campaign to convince America that there were no benefits was just a lie?  It sure seems so.

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