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Monday, May 20, 2019

Missing Yet Another Opportunity

Former Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban famously said, "the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."  Well, they're doing it again.

The US government has organized a conference to be held in Bahrain next month to come up with ways to promote economic growth in the West Bank and Gaza, both areas that are controlled by the Palestinian Authority or Hamas.  Today, the Palestinian Authority announced that it would boycott that conference.  It stated further than anyone who would take part in the conference would be considered a collaborator with the enemy.

Think about that.  Our country organizes a conference to try to help the Palestinians and in turn, the Palestinians boycott that conference and attack anyone who might attend.

The next time you hear about suffering Palestinians, tell them about this latest move by the Palestinian Authority.  If you spit on the people who are trying to help you, you are not likely to get all that much help.

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