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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Don't Let The Iranians Spin Their Way Out of This

The media is reporting that Iran's leadership warned that there will be "false flag" operations by the USA to blame Iran form events in the middle east.  A false flag is a sham operation, one that is run to appear as the act of a different country or group.  For example, were the Iranians to use drones to attack Saudi oil pipelines and then to try to blame the attacks on the Houthi rebels in Yemen, that would be a false flag operation.  In fact, that is an actual false flag operation that Iran ran just yesterday.  Amazingly, the mullahs in Teheran are trying to tell the world that the Yemeni rebels came up with armed drones even though it is known that those rebels don't have such weapons.  The only actual source of the drones of the type used in the attack is Iran.

For its part, Iran is also calling the attack on four ships in the Persian Gulf off Bahrain a false flag operation.  Supposedly Iran had nothing to do with the attack; they were carried out by the USA to have a pretext to attack Iran.  It's a laughable charge.

We all have to take care not to let the Iranians lie their way out of the mess they have created for themselves with these attacks.  There need to be severe consequences for the Iranians and they need to come quickly.

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