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Monday, May 6, 2019

Ultimately, They Can't Help Themselves

The current contest among the 403 candidates for the Democrat nomination for president in 2020 is amazing for its uniformity of thought.  There are only two types of candidates:  those who espouse far left positions, and those who don't really say much on the issues.  For a short time, some of the candidates tried to take a different course towards the nomination, but ultimately they all get back to voicing far left sentiments.

Here's a good example.  Mayor Pete Buttigieg came out of nowhere to gain some support in the race.  The mayor was a complete unknown on the national stage.  All that he had going for himself was that he was gay, young, a military veteran and somewhat good looking.  Mayor Pete also refrained from pushing some of the more anti-American leftist views of those in the party.  Mayor Pete was going to be the new, white, gay Obama.  He was not going to get tied down in the endless leftist rhetoric.  At least, that is what the media told us.  At least until today.  Speaking at an event in south Carolina earlier today, Mayor Pete told the crowd, that America “was never as great as advertised”.  It's the inevitable leftist anti-Americanism that surfaces with every Democrat candidate.

Maybe from now on, Mayor Pete can compete with those U-S-A chants at the Trump rallies, by having the crowd chant "We're second rate."  After a few months of this, Mayor Pete won't even register in the polls.

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