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Monday, May 20, 2019

Sometimes, It's Just a Legal Question

OOOoooooh, the excitement.  The media is having a field day because the Supreme Court decided a case 5-4 with all the liberal judges and Justice Gorsuch in the majority.  The headlines scream that Gorsuch joined with the liberals.  It's a political firestorm, don't you know; one of the Trump appointees actually voted with the left.  Of course, if you were actually read the case in question, you would quickly understand that this ruling is not,  that's right NOT, a liberal vs. conservative issue.  The question decided was whether a treaty signed in the mid 1800s between the USA and an indian tribe was still in force or if it had expired when Wyoming became a state.  This is an arcane legal question, not a political one.  Most times, Supreme Court decisions are just that, answers to arcane legal questions. 

For what it is worth, the majority held that the treaty is still in effect, so the Native American fellow who sued didn't need a hunting license from Wyoming to hunt on certain tribal lands.  That may make a difference to a few hunters from the tribe, but beyond that, who cares?

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