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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Executive Privilege Procedures Prevent Disclosure

The Democrats in the House are apoplectic because records that they want are not being released by the White House and various other agencies of the government.  President Trump has asserted executive privilege for some of these documents.  The Dems don't care about the privilege and are threatening to hold people in contempt of Congress for their withholding of documents.  There are even some lower court rulings that call for the documents to be released, but still the Dems are waiting to get anything.  Oh, the horror.  Pelosi calls it a massive coverup.

But what it is really?  The truth is that the government is simply following the rules for dealing with claims of executive privilege.  And who set those rules in place?  The answer is Pelosi/Democrat's hero Barack Obama.  On his first full day in office, Obama issued an Executive order that prevents the issuance of any document on which a current or former president claims executive privilege unless the incumbent president rules that the document must be released or a court issues such a ruling and NO APPEAL IS POSSIBLE from that ruling.  It is interesting that Obama's first subject for action was to protect himself from having to disclose anything he didn't want disclosed.  If Trump had done the same thing, the Dems would no doubt be screaming about how he should be impeached for so doing.  But no, Trump is just following the procedures put in place by St. Barack the self-important.  (Is he the patron saint of ditherers?)

Once again, the Dems have shot themselves in the foot by complaining when Trump just follows the Obama procedures.

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