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Sunday, May 19, 2019

Spreading Distrust

Here's a tiny news item that tells you a tremendous amount about where we are as a country:

This week, the House Democrats are holding a caucus so that they can be briefed about the current situation regarding US/Iranian relations.  So far, that sounds like a good thing.  We want our representatives to have up to the minute information so that they have a basis to make good decisions.  But here's the kicker.  The briefing is going to come from former CIA Director John Brennan.  It will not include anyone from the current CIA or NSA or national security team in the White House.  Nope, the House Democrats want to get their info from a guy who has been out of the loop for two and a half years and who supports returning to the old Iran agreement with its guaranteed path for Iran to get nuclear weapons.

Think about that.  The Democrats want to get their briefing from a guy who doesn't know what's going on right now.  Did the Iranians put anti-ship missiles on small boats in the Persian Gulf?  Brennan knows what he read in the media, but that's about all.  Gina Haspell, the current CIA director would know, but the Dems don't want to hear from her.  Did the Iranians sabotage four oil tankers in the Gulf last week?  Brennan doesn't know more than what is publically reported.  Dan Coats, the Director of National Intelligence would have more info, but the Dems don't want to hear from him.  What is the President's strategy for dealing with the Iranian threat?  Brennan doesn't know, but since it is connected to President Trump, he thinks it is wrong.  John Bolton knows exactly what the strategy is, but the Dems don't want to hear from him.

Look, I know that the House Democrats are not supporters of President Trump.  Many of them detest him.  So what?  Trump is the President of the United States.  The Dems have to deal with that if America is to have an effective government.  Iran presents a major foreign policy problem that is confronting the USA right now.  The Dems need accurate and up-to-the-minute information about what is happening there.  They obviously won't get that from a guy who hasn't heard anything new for the last two and a half years.  They obviously won't get unbiased information from a guy who spent his last six months in office trying to undermine Trump through spying on him. 

The House Dems owe it to all Americans to act in the best interests of the country.  That means making decisions on actual intelligence, not the angry ravings of some former official.

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