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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Not An Actual Problem -- Just A Problem For Snobs

I came across another of those scare headlines just now.  It proclaims that "underemployment" is worse today than it has been in a long time.  The article explains that a higher percentage of college graduates are working in jobs that don't require a college degree than has been the case in the past.  That's right, college graduates are working in jobs for which, according to the article, they are over qualified.  The article then says that this is a sign of just how bad our economy is.  That sure sounds bad.

Of course, in the twelfth paragraph, the article finally gets to the explanation.  It seems that a lot of jobs like skilled tradesmen (for example, plumbers, electricians, etc.) have seen their wages go up and up as the demand for these workers has soared with the good economy.  As a result, more and more college graduates are taking jobs in this sort of field in order to get HIGHER PAY.  That's right.  A good plumber makes more than a great many people with college degrees earn in jobs for which their degree is necessary.  For example, a social worker may make only half of what the plumber makes, or even less.  The people in the work force are going for higher pay rather than sticking to the jobs for which their pedigree gives them the qualifications.  These workers realize that there's no problem holding a college degree and also working in skilled trades.  Only the snobs who worry that these workers are supposedly over-qualified care. 

It's another problem that the media is trying to create with the economy.  Except it isn't a problem, is it? 

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