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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Maybe She Trained With Hillary

Elizabeth Warren turned down an offer to do a town hall on Fox News today and then labeled the cable network a "hate for profit" enterprise.  It's an amazingly idiotic move on Warren's part, and it reminds me of Hillary Clinton's massive gaffe during the 2016 election when she called anyone who supported Trump part of a "basket of deplorables".  In American elections, successful candidates are usually those who work to enlarge the numbers of voters who look upon them favorably.  Calling those who support your opponent "deplorable" or attacking those who watch a TV network as "haters" is a really dumb move.

Okay, Warren didn't call the viewers of Fox News haters.  She did, however, imply that rather clearly.  Think about it.  For many millions of people who watch Fox News, all they will hear about Warren is that she thinks they're racists or bigots.  That's not a great message for her.  Sure, for the left wing crowd of activists who are certain that only they are free from bigotry, her remark may resonate, but they aren't enough to win an election or even the nomination.  Warren should be able to successfully enlarge her group of supporters is she is ever to hope for success in this race.

Beyond the obvious poor political choice Warren is making is the humor of her statement.  Of all the candidates in both parties running for president in 2020, no one holds a candle to Warren when it comes to actual "hate for profit".  After all, Warren masqueraded as a Native American for decades just so as to get high paying positions at both Harvard and Penn law schools.  Warren falsely took a benefit meant for a minority, and she did it to get the big bucks.  She's the walking definition of hate for profit. 

Look, Warren is never going to be president, and she won't even be the Democrat nominee for president or even vice president in 2020.  We all know that.  Phony elitists from Massachusetts haven't done well for the Democrats, and they know it.  Shrill and joyless candidates don't usually do well for either party.  Warren keeps throwing out new policy ideas which could appeal to some in her party.  They won't be enough to push her to success, however, because when all is said and done she's stuck being Elizabeth Warren with the demeanor and anger and pomposity that define her.  Even so, it's still bizarre that she is so clueless when it comes to something like the chance to go on TV and be seen by three million or so people who would watch a town hall on Fox.

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