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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

They Don't Seem To Understand

If you look at Twitter right now, you will see that Merrick Garland is trending.  Why?  It seems that the appeal with regard to the Congressional subpoena demanding certain Trump-related documents is going to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals including Merrick Garland.  Supposedly, this is very funny because Garland was blocked from becoming a Supreme Court justice by the GOP in the senate.

Think about that.  Here are all these people who just assume that judge Garland will rule on this issue based upon a chance to take a swipe at the President.  Trump didn't block Garland; it was the Republican caucus in the Senate, but the left thinks that Garland will still take it out on Trump.  The left must also think that Trump's position in this matter has great merit; that's why it needs an angry Garland to misbehave and rule against Trump even though Trump should win.

The strangest thing about all this, however, is that the media and the Dems don't seem to understand that this entire matter will be before the Supreme Court before long.  What Garland does won't matter one way or the other. 

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