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Friday, August 23, 2013

A Big Step Towards Stamping Out Workplace Violence

When US Army major Nidal Hassan shouted jihadist slogans and shot 13 of his fellow army members dead and wounded many more at Fort Hood a few years ago, the Obama administration labeled the attack "workplace violence" rather than describe it as terrorism.  Hassan, a self-styled soldier of Allah, had corresponded with various radical clerics and had announced his jihadist views to colleagues; then he took action by killing and maiming scores of people at the army base.  This clear terrorist attack was just called something else in order to change the subject from the failure of the Obama policy towards the war on terror.

Today, the verdict in Hassan's trial was handed down.  He was found guilty of all charges and now faces the possibility of a death sentence.  During the trial, Hassan presented no defense and questioned essentially no witnesses.  It is pretty clear that Hassan wants to be a martyr for Islam.

Most likely Hassan believes that after he dies, he will be met by 72 virgins with whom to spend eternity.  My hope is that after death, the Lord send Hassan to spend eternity with 72 Marine Corps vets who continually beat the crap out of this psycho.


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