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Monday, August 19, 2013

Let's Be Honest

Here are a few facts:

1.  President Obama ignored the law and his constitutional duties when he "postponed" the employer mandate of Obamacare.

2.  Obama again ignored the law and his constitutional duties when he "stopped enforcement" of the immigration laws regarding young people who were brought to the USA illegally by their parents.

3.  Obama again ignored the law and his constitutional duties when he proclaimed that the federal government would give subsidies to members of Congress and their staffs that were far in excess of those available to the ordinary citizen.

4.  Obama at least ignored his constitutional duties and may have been covering up the misdeeds of his own people when he stopped investigating the IRS's illegal targeting of conservative, Christian, Jewish and pro-life groups.

5.  Obama at least ignored his constitutional duties and may have been covering up the misdeeds of his own people when he stopped investigating what actually happened in Benghazi and actively began spreading untruths about the cause and result of that terror attack.

6.  Obama has been uniformly unsuccessful in getting the economy to grow, to create jobs and to provide hope for the future for millions of the unemployed.

7.  Obama has done all he could to squash the production of America energy sources with the result that the USA still imports far more energy than it ought to.

8.  Obama has repeatedly been dishonest with the American people.

9.  Obama has been extremely unsuccessful in bring the races together in America.

10.  Obama has never really attempted to compromise with the Republicans in congress.  Instead, he has offered the GOP the chance to accept Obama's own plan and just called that an attempt at compromise.

This list goes on, but let's stop here for the big question.  Does saying all this make me a racist?  If you listen to MSNBC or read things like, the answer is undoubtedly yes.  After all, I dared to criticize America's first black president. But guess what?  I am not a racist.  I just know an incompetent man attempting and failing to be a leader when I see one.  Speeches do not matter.  Results are what counts, and it is in the results department that Obama has been such a miserable failure.

It is time that those who tell the truth about Obama are not falsely labeled racists in order to try to shut them up.


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