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Friday, August 9, 2013

More on the IRS "Phony" Scandals

There is an extraordinary bit of video on Powerline today which is a must see for anyone interested in the IRS misconduct scandals.  It is a short interview with Cleta Mitchell, a prominent tax attorney in Washington who represents a large number of tax exempt organizations.  In just three minutes, Mitchell puts forth information that proves three important points:

1.  The IRS targeting of conservative groups began in 2009, not the following year as the IRS story now goes.

2.  The first targets set by the IRS had nothing to do at all with the Cincinnati office that supposedly did all of the dirty work here.

3.  One of the triggers for holding up approval of tax exempt status used by the IRS was a group that said it wanted "to hold public officials accountable."

These points may not sound like much, but they are actually explosive revelations.  The IRS scandal was disclosed by Lois Lerner (after various White House officials got involved with the mess) with the story that a few "rogue" agents in Cincinnati had misbehaved.  That story has been repeated by all the Administration representatives include the White House itself.  The hearings before Congress revealed that the story was untrue since the people in the Cincinnati office of the IRS sent all these materials to Washington with the trail ending in the office of the Chief Counsel of the IRS (at least for now).  It seemed possible, however, that the Lois Lerner story could have explained how the whole mess started.  Given what Cleta Mitchell has to say, that is no longer possible.  It is now clear that the targeting of conservative groups started in Washington before anyone in Cincinnati ever got involved.  This means that it was folks a lot closer to the White House who decided to use the power of the IRS to attack the political opposition.

President Obama may like to call the scandals "phony".  It is just another of his lies, and he believes that if he says it often enough, some people will come to believe it.  The truth, however, is something quite different.  The IRS scandal consists of criminal activity by Obamacrats (who knows how high this goes).  It is about as real as anything can be.


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