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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Playing the Lesbian Card

The Democrat primary in the race for mayor of New York City is in full swing.  For most of the year, the main attraction in that contest has been the antics of Anthony Weiner, the perv who strangely thought that he could get to be mayor despite his continual sexting with women that went on long after he claimed to have stopped that practice.  Weiner's campaign has now all but collapsed, so the other contenders are having at it in a major way.

The current leaders are Christine Quinn, the president of the city council, who also happens to be a lesbian, and Bill DiBlasio, who is a white man married to a black woman.  Okay, let's stop for a moment.  I am mentioning that Quinn is a lesbian and that DiBlasio has an interracial marriage only because these points have become big issues in the campaign.  DiBlasio was an also ran, showing up third or fourth in the polls until recently when he began to publicize that he had a black wife and mixed race children.  That point was not trumpeted directly, but rather through campaign commercials featuring DiBlasio's fifteen year old son who spoke about and showed pictures of his family.  The result of these commercials was that DiBlasio soared in the polls, particularly among African Americans.  DiBlasio moved ahead of Quinn and into first place.

The DiBlasio move sparked a quick response from Quinn who moved out to claim the victimhood of being a lesbian.  Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, wrote up an interview with Mrs. DiBlasio in which she supposedly said that she would not want to have to talk to Quinn about the issues of children.  The clear implication was that since Quinn, as a lesbian, had no children, she was unable to understand the issues.  Quinn immediately came forward professing outrage that Mrs. DiBlasio would make such a hateful, homophobic remark.  Quinn pointed out that she had a family:  her wife, her late parents, and her nieces and nephews.  Quinn, you see, was now a victim, and Mrs. DiBlasio was a homophobic oppressor.  The problem, however, was that Maureen Dowd "misquoted" Mrs. DiBlasio.  Okay, let's not mince words.  It certainly looks like Maureen Down rearranged what Mrs. DiBlasio said to change the words from harmless to improper in the world of New York politics.  What Mrs. DiBlasio actually said was that Quinn was not talking about certain issues in her campaign, issues that included a long list of items including many affecting small children.  This was a comment on what issues Quinn was addressing, not on Quinn's status as a lesbian or her lack of children.

Watching Quinn and Dowd manufacture "victimhood" for Quinn while consigning the DeBlasios to the ranks of the homophobic is truly something to behold.  Having the New York Times thrown into the mix makes this even more interesting.  DeBlasio played the race card in the campaign and Quinn tried to trump it with the lesbian card.  I cannot wait to find out which card ranks higher in this election.


1 comment:

fastcarken said...

New York, great place to visit.
The liberals have just about ruined living there.