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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Has It Really Come To This?

Martin Luther King had a dream, he told us, but today we seem to be left with a nightmare.  What has happened to the civil rights movement?

I just read an article quoting former UN ambassador and mayor of Atlanta Andrew Young describing Trayvon Martin as a martyr in the struggle for civil rights.  How disgusting is that?  Martin's death had nothing at all to do with civil rights except in the imaginations of the professional race baiters like Al Sharpton.  Oh sure, NBC edited the 911 call to make it seem that Zimmerman was following Martin because he was black, but that was a fraud put forth by NBC, not reality.  There was no evidence at all that Martin's race had anything to do with what happened.  The Department of Justice under Eric Holder (who seems to see racism everywhere) could find no proof of any sort to link what happened to any racial motivation.  Martin was killed and that is a tragedy, but Martin was not killed because he was black.

Then there is the speech at today's memorial likening the Supreme Court to the Ku Klux Klan because they overturned part of the Voting Rights Act.  It is certainly fine for the speaker to disagree with the Court; that is her right as an American.  But really?  The KKK used to lynch blacks and to use intimidation to prevent there being any progress in race relations.  It was the US Supreme Court that really began the active phase of the modern civil rights movement when it struck down segregation in Brown v. Board of Education  in 1954.  Since then, the Supreme Court has sided repeatedly with those seeking broader rights for individuals of all races.  When one case goes against the position espoused by the Democrat liberals, however, the court is suddenly racist and akin to the KKK.  The truth is that those who claim to be part of  the civil rights movement have taken to describing those who disagree with any portion of their plans as racist.  Black police who stop suspicious black youths in black neighborhoods in New York are racists.  Students who want to be judged on the grades and their test scores rather than the color of their skin are racist.  Folks who want parents to be able to send their children to better schools are racist.  Conservatives are racists.  Republicans are racist.  A plan to encourage people to improve themselves so that they can succeed without government help is racist.  Anyone who disagrees with president Obama is racist.  Indeed, we do not yet know what the racist position on Syria is yet, but one the great Obama finally decides what he is doing, we know that those holding opposing views will be as racist as the KKK.

This mess is a total perversion of the struggle in America for civil rights.  It is a sad day indeed.

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