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Monday, November 25, 2013

A Lack of Convictions

Most Americans would like to have politicians in office who have the courage of their convictions.  Instead we have politicians whose convictions should come with a sentence of 5 to 10 years with time off for good behavior.  If you consider recent news, the lack of beliefs in Washington is overwhelmingly clear.

1.  President Obama and his administration no longer believe that they represent the American people or even answer to the public.  Instead, they lie to us, and they do whatever they can to try to fool America into believing that they are doing something other than what actually is occurring.  Just consider the lies about Obamacare.  Obama said we could keep our policies and our doctors and would save big bucks to boot.  Millions more were to get health insurance coverage.  All this was to happen at no net cost to the government.  But it was all lies.  We are losing our policies.  We are losing our doctors.  We are paying more for insurance that covers less.  The deficit is soaring due to Obamacare.  On top of everything, Obama does not even seem to care that his lies have been revealed.  Instead of trying to make things right, he is just out with more games and lies.

2.  President Obama and his administration do not believe in the superiority of the American system.  If Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons that might threaten our way of life, Obama makes a deal that sounds nice but which opens the door to Iran going nuclear.

3.  President Obama and his administration to not believe in the right to privacy guaranteed in the Constitution.  They see no problem in having the NSA collect phone conversations, email, internet searches and the like.  Sometimes, the lack of honesty combines with the lack of beliefs when they do things like lie to a federal court so that they can snoop on the private information of reporters like the AP or Fox News.

4.  President Obama and his administration do not believe that their job is to protect Americans from harm.  They put up a website which acts as a collector of confidential personal and financial information for all sorts of people, and then they leave it essentially unprotected from identity thieves and other crooks.  If Obama and the Obamacrats thought they had to protect us all from harm, they would never have let the unsecured website go live, but they did it anyway for "political" reasons.  In other words, they valued their own chances for re-election above the lives of millions of Americans.

5.  President Obama and his administration do not believe that they have to protect America from attack.  Think about Benghazi.  Obama and his people are warned, expressly warned, that an attack from a terror group is imminent and that the consulate in Benghazi is woefully unprotected.  Another administration would have taken steps to beef up security or, at least, to evacuate most of the personnel.  Obama and the Obamacrats, however, did nothing to protect the consulate, and when the attack came, they went out of their way to lie to us all that it was just some anger resulting from a youtube video.

So here's the real question:  exactly what is it that Obama believes in aside from his own success? 


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