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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Lamest Excuses Ever

Yesterday brought two of the worst Obamacare excuses I have ever heard.

First, Americans were told not to worry about giving their personal information to the exchange website because that part of the site "is not working yet".  Apparently, we are to believe that no one, not even hackers, can get access to the information.  Unbelievable!  What happens when (or should I say if) they finally get the site to work?  Won't the hackers have a field day with our personal information then?  Stay tuned for the answer which ought to be coming out of Washington soon.

Second, there were reports in the media yesterday that president Obama had first monthly, then weekly and then daily meetings to oversee the Obamacare rollout as the October 1 date approached when the website was to go live.  Despite all this oversight, Obama was still shocked (we are told) when the website failed to work properly or at all.  This excuse leads to the question of exactly what the folks at these many meetings were doing.  Perhaps they were playing cards.  Maybe they were drinking tea.  Who knows; maybe they were drinking beer and watching porn on the internet.  The one thing we all know that they were not doing is keeping track of the status of the website.  In fact, we all know that the federal exchange site crashed in the weeks prior to roll out when 20 people tried to get on simultaneously.  For a site that is supposed to handle 50,000 people at a time, a crash when the number topped 20 is a very bad sign.  Any idiot would understand this; apparently, however, Obama is not just any idiot.

These excuses are so bad, that I think they are worse than the Obamacare failure itself, and that's a catastrophe.

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