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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Oh Thank Goodness! They Reached Agreement in Warsaw!

I wonder how many people in America are aware that there was an international conference held in Warsaw for the last while to discuss the reduction of carbon emissions and global warming.  I doubt many folks have ever heard of the UN Climate Change Conference.  I mean how ridiculous is it that we have a world body trying to get everyone to agree to solve a problem which most likely does not exist.

The idiocy of the climate change saga was made clear by the conference nevertheless.  The big dispute was whether or not only developed nations would have to set emission limits or if those limits would apply to all countries.  If you don't know, the world's biggest polluter by far, China, (and the world's second largest economy to boot) is considered under-developed for these purposes.  Get it!  China wants to continue to pollute without limits and to place restrictions on countries like the USA, Japan, Germany and Britain with whom it competes.  On top of this, less developed countries want the more developed ones to make payments to them to help deal with man made climate change (even though there is no proof that it even exists.)

If all this sounds crazy, keep in mind that the conference almost failed because for once, the developed world quite properly said no.  They insisted that all countries would have to reduce pollution, even China.  At the last minute however, the delegates agreed on a plan that requires each country to come forward with a target for reduction by the end of next year, and with that "breakthrough", the conference was adjourned.

The meeting was in Warsaw in November.  The truth is that if they had met in the Caribbean in January, I could understand why.  But Warsaw in November?  There seems to be no reason why anyone attended.


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