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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Will He Hail a Taliban Victory Next Week?

The AP describes president Obama's weekly radio speech as hailing increases in energy production in America.  They even add this:

In his weekly Saturday radio and Internet address Obama draws attention to increased U.S. oil extraction, which last month exceeded oil imports for the first time in nearly two decades.

Of course, the AP is silent about the fact that Obama has done everything in his power to reduce domestic energy production since taking office five years ago.  The increase he is now hailing happened despite Obama's efforts and not because of them.  Obama increased the delay in issuing drilling permits on federal land from an average of one week to and average of eight months.  He declared large swaths of land off limits to drilling.  He put all sorts of limitations on the use of domestic coal, thereby increasing costs for electricity as well as the need for imported oil.  Obama made oil companies the target of all sorts of measures aimed at reducing their ability to extract oil and gas from the ground.  Even the refusal to rule on the Keystone Pipeline reduced oil supplies, although that oil came from Canada rather than the USA.

I know that things are bad these days for Obama.  Even so, for him to try to take credit for increased energy production is worse than a joke.


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