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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

And This is Connecticut

The website for Obamacare's exchange in Connecticut is supposed to be one of the best functioning in all of the USA.  There are articles in the local press praising what a good job the state did compared to the federal website.  That is why a comment left earlier today on another post of mine is so important.  I want to make sure that everyone sees it, so I am repeating it in its entirety:

I am a self-employed individual in Connecticut who received a cancellation notice from Anthem [Blue Cross] with the news that they'd be kind enough to enroll me in a similar plan with a 40+% higher premium. 
I just wasted an hour trying to deal with [the state Obamacare exchange]. After entering tons of data I was suddenly greeted with "System Unavailable", try at a later time.
So I called the phone number for accesshealthct...After pressing buttons for five minutes I finally came to the "speak with a Rep" option, and was then told "the wait time is over 6 minutes". So I pressed option for having them call me back and ended up in an infinite loop of "to leave a message in English, press 2" followed by silence (as in, no way to leave a msg). So I tried to find an "Assister" in my zip code, hell, in my county. No matter what zip I put in it's always the same answer: "No results match your search"... What a mess.

There is just no rational basis why someone should be forced to go through all this.  It is bad enough that premiums are being raised by such a huge amount, but there ought to be a way to actually proceed to buy insurance if you decide to do so.  It is totally unacceptable that president Obama and the Obamacrats decided to inflict this sort of pain on millions of Americans.  Obama and his party seem to have done all this for no valid reason.  Costs have not gone down; they are soaring for most folks.  The number of insured is not rising; millions have lost coverage which cannot be replaced at the moment.  Healthcare is not improved; just the anxiety being inflicted on millions of people who are trying to deal with this mess will cause health problems for sure.  The replacement policies are not even better; the deductibles in the new policies are so high that for most folks it is as if they do not have insurance at all.  There is no valid reason to have done all this.  All the supposed benefits are just not there.

The time has come for all of us to contact our Congressmen and Senators and tell them to get rid of this monstrosity before more millions of people have to suffer.  If there is an avalanche of protest, at least some of the folks in Washington will listen.  Make sure you tell them that you will remember on election day just how they react now!


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