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Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Good Measure of the Despair About Hillary

There's an article in the Boston Globe today that demonstrates the full extent of the liberal despair about the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.  According to the Globe, the Clinton campaign in New Hampshire is trying to get the candidate into one - on - one sessions with voters.  You see, Hillary doesn't do well in events where there are a few hundred present.  The report tells the story of a woman at one town hall who told a gut wrenching story about the loss of her child to mental health and drug addiction problems and Hillary's cursory response.  Hillary came across as cold and uncaring.  That's why she needs those individual encounters where she supposedly shines.

It's a funny thing to read about the collapsing campaign by Hillary and to be told that her great strength is going to be in individual encounters with voters.  If Hillary were only running in New Hampshire, it would be essentially impossible for her to get personal time with a significant number of voters before the primary.  Hillary, however, is running in fifty states and DC.  There is no way that she will be able to meet more than a few thousand of the enormous number of New Hampshire primary voters before election day.  Nevertheless, the ever loyal and ever liberal Globe is still touting Hillary's skills as an individual campaigner.  They just won't accept the reality that her campaign is dying and that they can't do anything about it.


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