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Friday, September 18, 2015

The Media Does Its Best For Trump

At the first GOP debate on Fox News seven weeks ago, Donald Trump gave a so-so performance. No sooner had the debate ended, however, than Trump let loose with his complaints about Megyn Kelly and blood coming from her "whatever".  That dominated the media coverage for days and weeks afterwards, and Trump rose in the polls.  At the second GOP debate on CNN, Trump was again just so-so.  Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio were the stars of the night.  So what has the media started now?  They are latching onto a question that someone in the audience at an event in New Hampshire asked Trump.  The questioner said Obama is a Moslem (gasp!), and Trump didn't correct him (double gasp!).  So, the media is going into a full scale frenzy about how this all went down.  The usual lefty nuts like call Trump's answer which didn't correct the questioner "vile" and "racist".  Yahoo News, another site with a clear leftist slant, is now wondering if this is the beginning of the end for Trump.  Yahoo wants to know if "Trump fatigue" has set in.  MSNBC is going berserk as well.  No doubt, MSNBC will pre-empt tonight's programming to run a three hour special on Trump's answer.  Most likely, Rachel Maddow will sit there and replay the Q & A from New Hampshire at least thirty times while a series of guests lament this "obvious racism".  But it's not just the lefties at work.  Last night Megyn Kelly interrupted her show to televise the question and answer that had just happened.  She then asked a focus group what they thought about it.

So what is the effect of all this coverage?  First, it knocks Fiorina off the TV screens.  It also knocks Rubio off the screens.  It puts Trump front and center being attacked by the media for something that any moron would understand is silly.  After all, they're not attacking Trump for something he did or said, but for something that someone in the crowd at his rally said.  To the average person, this is the media being unfair to Trump.  That means that once again, the media is helping to rescue Trump from a lackluster debate performance.

Understand something:  I don't support Trump for president.  Of the current crop of candidates, he's not the worst (that would have to be George Pataki), but he's not even in the top five for me.  Nevertheless, watching this media storm of nonsense, I sympathize with the Donald.  If it hits me that way, there must be many others in the same situation.  Instead of focusing on the debate and what it showed, we're all off once again focused on the despicable media and the man who won't kowtow to them.


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