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Sunday, September 20, 2015

More Shiny Objects

It's time that we stop letting the media find things to distract the presidential campaigns from the real issues.  We just had a debate in which the most important issues for the election (jobs and the economy) were basically skipped over by the CNN moderators.  That meant a seemingly endless discussion of secondary or even less important issues.  It also meant that the Republicans did not get a chance to make their main case to the more than twenty million people who tuned in.  Since then, we have had two days focused on whether or not Donald Trump ought to have correct a man asking a question at a town hall in New Hampshire who called president Obama a Moslem.  Really?  That matters?  Today, we get a new one.  Ben Carson said that he thought that the religious values of Islam were inconsistent with American core ideals, so he did not think that a devout Moslem ought to be president.  But guess what?  No Moslems are running for that office.  Indeed, there aren't even any potential candidates who are Moslem.  (To be fair, I am excluding Hillary Clinton from this list.  Hillary would probably agree to convert to Islam for a $50 million contribution to the Clinton Family Foundation.)  Seriously, the point is that the candidates are being asked questions about silly subjects that distract from the real issues Americans are facing.

Personally, I don't care whether or not Carson thinks that a Moslem ought to be president.  I'm not going to vote for Dr. Carson no matter what he says on that point.  I don't think he is the right person to bring prosperity and strong economic growth back to the USA.  Similarly, I don't care if Trump corrects some crank at a town hall or not.  I'm not voting for Trump either, and it will have nothing to do with whether or not he defends Obama.  In fact, given what Obama himself has said, I don't care what anyone says about him.

The key, however, is that the nonsense has to get jettisoned.  The candidate who can get on message on the economy and stick to that message will move up quickly in the polls.  The time for that message has come, and we ought not let the media stop it.


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