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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Strange Doings With The Donald

The single strangest news item this week has to be the supposed decision by Donald Trump to boycott Fox News.  I still don't believe that this will actually happen, but Trump has nevertheless announced that boycott.  Think about it.  For years, the left has accused Fox News of being the mouthpiece for conservatives and Republicans.  Actually, Fox News has been the only television news source that didn't just parrot the liberal left talking points, a move which angered the left but got Fox a huge audience.  So the network with the biggest Republican audience is now to be boycotted by the frontrunner for the GOP nomination?  Really?  What that means is that Donald Trump is giving up millions of dollars of free TV time to the audience that he really needs to reach if he is to be the nominee.  I mean Trump can be on MBNBC non-stop together with a similar appearance on CNN and he won't reach more than a few thousand voters in Republican primaries.

The truth is that this move by Trump shows that he is not ready to be president.  What sort of leader throws away his most important asset.  For the last two months, Trump has dominated the time on Fox News, and it has been important to his candidacy.  It would be like the president of the USA deciding to shut down the US Marine Corps during a war.

Trump has also been erratic on other topics recently.  Today he was criticizing Marco Rubio for sweating in the heat.  Is he kidding?  He's running for president of the USA, not of Mrs. Smith's second grade class.

We are witnessing the beginning of the Trump decline.  And he's making it happen all by himself.


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