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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Why Hillary's "Apology" Doesn't Matter

So after six months of relentless bad news about her use of a private unsecured email system, Hillary Clinton has (gasp!) apologized.  Wow!  Hillary apologized!  And we all know just how honest and heartfelt that apology is.  Does anyone doubt that there were focus groups run by Clinton consultants to determine how average Americans would react to such an apology?  Does anyone doubt that the language of the apology was also tested?  Most likely, even the gestures used by Hillary were tested to see their impact.  This was the most non-spontaneous "spontaneous" apology in the history of the world.

More important than the fact of the apology is what Queen Hillary actually said.  She started her so called apology by claiming again that her use of the private unsecured email system was "allowed" by the State Department.  She says this when we already all know that her statement is false.  Federal law and the rules of the State Department specifically PROHIBIT the use of private email for sending or receiving classified information.  The State Department even has a special ultra-secure system for transmitting classified information.  But Hillary used her system to send and receive classified information including the most sensitive TOP SECRET data.  It has now been confirmed by the New York Times, among others, that among the info in Hillary's emails was data from American satellites showing the exact locations of North Korean nuclear weapons sites.  Any Secretary of State (even including Hillary) has to know that the locations of North Korean nukes obtained from our spy satellites is classified information.  The State Department did not "allow" Hillary to keep national security secrets on her private unsecured email system.  So, Hillary apologized with a lie.

I've actually lost track at this point of just how many lies Hillary has told about her email system.  Think of some of those lies.  She said she only used one email device for convenience, but we know she had a smart phone, a Blackberry, and an I-pad and used all three for her email.  She said that she turned over all her business related email to the State Department, but Congressional investigators obtained quite a number of emails about Libya and Benghazi between Hillary and Sidney Blumenthal from Mr. Blumenthal that Hillary omitted.  She claimed that she just sorted her email between personal and business and turned over all the business ones, but investigators have found that a number of Hillary's emails were edited before they were turned over.  The investigators got copies of the emails from the recipients and they did not match the ones that Hillary turned over.  Hillary also claimed that she never used her email system for classified information and that she knows well what is and is not classified.  At the moment, investigators have identified something like 500 emails with classified info on her system and they haven't even gone through half of them yet.  Hillary then claimed that there was nothing on her system that was classified when it was sent or received.  The North Korean nuclear information discussed above shows that too to be a lie.

There are more lies, but here's the real question:  what was actually in those 30,000 "personal" emails that Hillary had deleted?  Hillary says it was email about yoga classes, Chelsea's wedding and the like.  Does anyone believe that?  Since none of the emails released so far mention the Clinton Foundation activities, could it be that those email contain information about possible favors that Hillary was doing at the State Department for the big contributors to her foundation?  We don't know yet, but I, for one, do not take Hillary's word for anything anymore.  Hopefully, the FBI will be able to retrieve the deleted emails off Hillary's server. 

Hillary's apology really doesn't matter.  The question now is whether or not the government will indict her for improper handling of classified information.  And if the FBI can get back the deleted emails, the question is whether or not there will be further indictments.  Hillary needs to understand this.  In the American justice system, it is not a defense to a crime to say "I'm sorry".



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