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Saturday, September 19, 2015

How Much Will Debbie Get?

Today at the New Hampshire Democrat Convention, the chair of the DNC Debbie Wasserman Schultz was consistently interrupted by the crowd with chants of "more debates" and "we want debates".  The Debster didn't respond to the issue.  After all, what does she care.  She's on Team Hillary and she's going to do what is good for Mrs. Clinton rather than what is good for the nation or even her party.

It got me to thinking.  We know that the Clintons put people who have worked for them into very high paying easy jobs with the Clinton Family Foundation.  Sidney Blumenthal, for example, got $10,000 per month for giving "advice" to the Foundation, at best a part time job paying him something like $1000 per hour or more.  Ira Magaziner was paid $400,000 per year to run a Boston office for the Foundation, and one has to wonder if he actually did much work aside from being a Clinton political operative.  Debbie Wasserman Schultz knows that it ought to be worth at least half a million bucks a year in a future job just for keeping Hillary away from the debate stage.  Imagine, Hillary might have to answer questions with actual people watching.  Oh, the horror!

The cushy and pricey jobs for politicos at the Clinton Foundation is just another measure of corruption that the Clintons have introduced into our political system.  The Democrats go crazy talking about the evils of big money in politics; they should start talking about the biggest bad actor of them all in that regard:  the Clinton Family Foundation.


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