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Friday, September 25, 2015

Does Hillary Ever Tell The Truth?

There's another story about yet another lie by Hillary Clinton this morning.  Today's subject is the job status of Hillary's chief aide Huma Abedin (wife of Anthony Weiner).  While working for the State Department, Huma also held paid positions with the Teneo Group and then with the Clinton Foundation.  That's a very odd arrangement for a high level aide to the secretary of state, and it has been the subject of questions by Congress and the media.  Just last week, Hillary told an interviewer on MSNBC that she had nothing to do with Huma's job arrangement.  Today, the group Judicial Watch released a document it received pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request which is the formal approval by Hillary herself of Huma's job arrangement.  Indeed, in order for Huma's multiple job deal to go forward, Hillary had to certify under oath that the arrangement was necessary for her to complete her tasks at the State Department.  So on the one hand you have Hillary stating in an interview that she had nothing to do with the arrangement, and on the other hand, you have an official State Department document that records that it was Hillary who set up and approved the arrangement.  It reminds me of the line from an old movie where a guy is caught by his wife in bed with another woman.  He says, "Who are you going to believe?  Me or your lying eyes?"

Clearly, Hillary is incapable of telling the truth.  If she will lie about something like this, she will lie about anything.  In the latest polls, Hillary is judged to be dishonest and untrustworthy by roughly 65% of the public.  My only question is this:  what's wrong with that other 35%?  Don't they pay attention?


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