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Monday, October 19, 2015

Hard to Imagine, But This Passes For Political Rhetoric on the Left

Bernie Sanders is out praising China's policy with regard to maternity.  The Vermont Socialist says that China give paid maternity leave to women while the USA does not.  As for the rest of the Chinese policy, Sanders is quiet.  Here are just a few of the things that Sanders leaves out:

1.  China still adheres to the one-child policy.  Women are allowed one child.  Should they have a second or (gasp!) a third child, they suffer some rather harsh consequences.  For example, they don't get that maternity leave a second time.  They also get hit with fines and taxes that make it extremely difficult to have more than one child.

2.  The amount of pay during maternity leave is at a very low level set by the Chinese government.  Someone in the USA who stopped working and took food stamps and other welfare would get more by far than the Chinese women on paid maternity leave.  That is true even if the amounts are adjusted for the cost of living in both countries.

3.  In China, the woman who are getting this maternity leave are opting for abortions of daughters so that they can have sons.  Over 60% of Chinese babies are male compared to the roughly 51% that would occur naturally.  When those kids grow up, it means that there are millions of men without wives.

There's more, but suffice to say that of all the nations of the world, none have maternity policies as screwed up as China.  And this is the one that Bernie Sanders picks to praise.  It says a lot about his level of knowledge and insight.


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