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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tonight's The Big Night

It has finally arrived!  The big day is here!  Tonight we're finally going to see the debate between Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and the three also-rans.  I can hardly contain my excit............

Sorry, I fell asleep.  I was going to say excitement, but who am I kidding?

Hillary is going to take whatever position she thinks will play best today.  It really doesn't matter what she says because she changes her positions more often than she changes her pants suits.  She was strongly for the War in Iraq; then she was against it as a flawed strategy from the beginning.  She was strongly against gay marriage; then once she was running this year she decided to flip to the other side.  She was for the Keystone pipeline; in fact, the department she led issued two reports that found no problems that would prevent approval of that project.  Now, when the campaign contributions of some environmentalist billionaires are at stake, she is against it.  Hillary was for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and she called it the "gold standard" of trade deals.  Suddenly now, she is against the deal so that Bernie Sanders can't use the issue against her. 

On top of the flip flop on policies, there is also the hypocrisy.  Nothing better illustrates that than he constant claims to speak for oppressed women.  Hillary is the one who led the charge against all those women that Bill Clinton wronged.

Then there's also her constant dishonesty.  She's had more claims about her email system disproved than there are stars in the night sky.  Essentially every word she ever said about that email system is untrue.  The same is the case with the Clinton Family Foundation and the hundreds of millions of dollars that she and Bill took in from foreigners with business before the State Department that she led.

On the other hand, Bernie Sanders is going to tell us all of his positions which sound more like a Socialist rally from the 1930s than a discussion of the problems of modern America.  Listening to him will be like visiting one of those "living history" museums.  the 21st century will not be kind to his ancient ideas.

The three little piggies who are left are not worth discussing.

It's going to be the ultimate yawn fest.


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