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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I Couldn't; I Just Couldn't

I tried to watch the Democrat debate tonight; I really did.  I switched the TV to the debate at least seven times, but each time I couldn't take it.  The worst moment was watching Hillary Clinton explain why she really is the ultimate outsider as a woman.  Listening to her, I started to get queasy.  No, actually that wasn't the low point.  That came when Hillary joked about how it took her longer to pee than the other four involved with the debate.  Really, she actually said that.

I also had to turn off the debate when they all went on and on about the terrible number of people in prison for using drugs.  To hear these geniuses talk, you would think the prison system is overrun with non-violent people in prison for drug use.  The statistics put the figure at less than 3% of the prison population.  The truth did not matter to this group, however.  They stood there and each tried to outdo the other talking about the outrage of the army of incarcerated but innocent drug users.  What's the point of discussing an issue it those in the debate are just going to lie about it?

I also had to switch when senator Chaffee said that Edward Snowden did nothing illegal and should be welcomed home.  At least on that whopper, the others were not so forgiving.  I guess among these Democrats, treason still counts for something.

It was also nausea inducing to hear O'Malley talk about what a great job he did policing Baltimore when he was mayor of that city.  He claimed to have done so much to bring people together and to promote racial harmony.  Excuse me?  It's Baltimore.  You know, the city that never stops rioting.

I have the debate recorded, and I will probably try to watch it again tomorrow.  I know that I just won't make it, however. 

One thing was clear after watching part of the debate:  the Democrat candidates are second-rate.  One has to wonder how some of them ever got elected to any office in the past.  I mean who would ever vote for Lincoln Chaffee for anything?  Bernie Sanders seemed (to use the Trump phrase) low-energy.  He also had repeated trouble hearing what Anderson Cooper had to say.  I kept waiting for him to pull out an ear trumpet and make some comment about all these newfangled ideas.  The last time I tuned in to the debate, I realized of whom Sanders reminded me.  There are two characters in the Muppets named Waldorf and Statler.  Here's a photo of them; look at it and you decide if the one on the left (appropriately enough) looks like Bernie.


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