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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

More Terrorism in Israel

There were something like seven or eight terrorist attacks in Israel today.  As of now, at least three Israelis are dead and dozens have been wounded.  The attackers used knives and in one case a gun.  They killed people at random.  All of the terrorists were either subdued or killed.  Perhaps the most unusual of the events came as a terrorist was fleeing the scene of one attack while being pursued by some people who had been nearby.  A passing Israeli motorist saw what was happening and actually hit the fleeing terrorist with her car.

The crazy thing about all this mess is that it is happening as a result of lies being spread about events at the al Aqsa mosque.  Israeli regulations leave that mosque in the control of the Islamic religious authorities as has been the case since 1967; the same regulations do not allow non-Moslems to enter the mosque.  Since the mosque is on the Temple Mount, however, Jews and other non-Moslems are allowed to visit the courtyard outside the mosque.  No prayer services are allowed there however.  That also hasn't changed for decades.  Despite this reality, the Palestinian media have made the claim that the Israelis are preparing to take over the mosque and oust the Moslems.  Although the charges are untrue, they have given rise to this wave of terrorism.

The likeliest outcome of this wave of terror is not a victory for the terrorists.  No, most like is the ending of the funding of the Palestinian Authority by Israel, the ability of Palestinians from outside Israel itself to work within Israel, and new laws that punish terrorists with confiscation of any property gained as a result of terrorist acts.  (Many terrorists get salaries from the Palestinian Authority as well as other financial benefits for themselves and their families.)  It would be a terrible thing to have terrorism used in a real battle.  It is truly crazy to see terrorism used in support of a phony battle based upon lies.


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