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Monday, October 12, 2015

It's a Message That Ought To Get Through

There are two polls out today that ought to make clear to certain candidates that it's time to get out of the race.

The first poll is for the Democrat nomination.  It polled Democrat voters in Maryland and found that Martin O'Malley is in fourth place with 4% of the vote.  O'Malley was mayor of Baltimore and governor of Maryland for two terms.  That he gets only 4% from his fellow Maryland Democrats ought to clue him in that his is a lost cause.

The second poll was taken of Virginia Democrats.  In that poll, Jim Webb, the former senator from Virginia got 5% of the vote and was in fourth place.  Here too, Webb ought to get the message that it is time to get out.

There have also been polls among Republicans in South Carolina in which Lindsay Graham get roughly 4%.  That is a wake up call for the South Carolina senator.

In Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum is way down at 3% in Republican polling.  He too ought to get out.

The only place where there is no clear message of this sort is in Florida.  There, both Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are locals, so they split the vote of those who favor a local candidate.  In addition, both Bush and Rubio do at least twice as good in Florida, even with the split, than all the others do with their local voters.

It's probably a waste of time to tell all these candidates that it is time to recognize reality.  Still, it's amazing just how willing these people are to go ahead with so little support.


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